What Are My Treatment Options for Appendix Pain in Fort Lee, NJ?

by | Nov 13, 2020 | Health

Acute appendicitis tends to come on suddenly. You may notice intense pain in your lower abdomen. It helps to stay calm and to go to the doctor immediately. Your

appendicitis pain in Fort Lee, NJ, specialist can determine the severity of your condition. Read on to find out what treatment options are available for appendicitis.


If you are feeling this pain, then your mind may kick into overdrive. You may think your appendix is about to rupture. In some cases, the organ has not burst and can be treated with antibiotics.

Small Tears

Most appendicitis cases require a surgical procedure to remove your appendix. In many cases, your appendix may develop a small tear. This tear allows the contents to leak out into your stomach. The leakage can cause you to develop a fatal blood infection.

Surgery Options

If you have a tear in your appendix, then your doctor may remove it with a laparoscopic procedure through your stomach. On the other hand, a ruptured appendix requires a longer recovery. Your surgeon will remove the appendix and clean up the infection through an incision in your stomach.

Most appendicitis cases are uncomplicated, which means the organ hasn’t ruptured and can be treated with antibiotics. Only when the appendix looks like it may burst immediately is an operation necessary.

You will feel better after finding out the outcome of your condition. After knowing your diagnosis, you can focus on your appendicitis pain in Fort Lee, NJ, treatment options. Contact Groin and Pelvic Pain Institute for an appointment today.

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