Illinois Women Do Not Need to Go Bald or Suffer Hair Loss: How PRP Treatments in Naperville, IL Can Help

by | Apr 5, 2021 | Surgery

One in four women begins losing their hair in their late thirties and early forties. This is a true tragedy for the women affected because a woman’s self-confidence is tied to her appearance. Women know that men won’t even consider dating a bald or balding woman, setting a double standard for bald and balding men who expect women to date them. If you live in Illinois, and you are a female losing your hair, you don’t have to. PRP treatments in Naperville, IL, clinics that offer lots of cosmetic procedures can help restore and regrow your natural hair without major surgery. Here’s how you can restore your hair (and any lost self-confidence!) with PRP treatments in Naperville, IL.

Schedule a Consult and a Blood Extraction

PRP stands for “platelet-rich plasma”. Your blood contains platelets, which are extracted with the plasma portion of your blood. The rest of your blood can either be put back into your body or donated to a blood bank. The plasma is then injected into your scalp in several areas where your hair is thinning and falling out. Schedule a free consult and then a blood extraction appointment in the future to move ahead with these PRP treatments in Naperville, IL.

How It Works

Platelets reinvigorate your scalp and help remove some of the natural hormones deposited in your scalp that cause female hair loss. The platelets are what your “starved” scalp craves, and once the platelet-rich plasma is injected under the skin of your scalp, it feeds and reawakens hair follicles that stopped growing hair.

Get started by contacting the Center for Cosmetic and Laser Surgery by visiting their website today.

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