An obstetrician will play a very large role in the pregnancy experience. Even if there are complications, knowing a good doctor is there providing care and offering knowledgeable advice will improve the situation immensely. Not only should they be exceptional, but they should also be a part of an excellent healthcare system to ensure all of the care is professional and reliable.
Many women will have their doctor chosen prior to pregnancy because most Obstetric Doctors also offer gynecological services and will have been seen by them for their annual exams. Of course, this is not the case for every woman, and when a pregnancy is affirmed, women can feel pressured to find someone immediately.
Recommendations from other medical professionals and friends are the best way to find the best doctor. However, it is still important to meet the doctor and talk to them before making a final decision. Having a baby is emotional and stressful, even when it is a smooth pregnancy, and women should make certain they are seeing someone who makes them comfortable and respects their needs and desires.
Discussing with the doctor specific preferences, such as using a doula or choosing natural childbirth, should be done early on in the pregnancy. Many Obstetric Doctors are willing to allow their patients to have what is necessary to keep themselves comfortable through a pregnancy as long as they are not doing something that is harmful to themselves or their fetus. Of course, there are exceptions and it is important to know from the beginning if having a doula is the delivery room will be allowed. No one wants to learn this type of information on the day of delivery.
Other questions should be about appointment schedules and locations, their opinion on ultrasound testing during normal pregnancies and whether or not they will be the delivery doctor or if it will be whoever is on shift at the hospital. All of these questions seem basic, but the answers can be very different from one doctor to the next. To find out more about what to expect or where to find a reliable obstetrician, contact St. Margaret’s Health for additional information. You can also connect them on Facebook for more updates.