The retina includes the portion of the eye which receives images and will send them to the brain. Detached retinas may occur when they’re pulled away from their position, which might be because of trauma or disease, like diabetes. The only treatment available for this disorder is Retina Detachment Surgery in Monterey. Without treatment, an individual is going to lose full or partial vision within the affected eye. The sooner surgery is done, the better an individual’s odds are of getting his vision back.
There are 3 available procedures to fix a detached retina. Which treatment a surgeon uses will depend on the severity, location and size of retinal detachment. Sometimes, the individual might have to go through a second surgery for optimal vision restoration.
Pneumatic retinopexy
A pneumatic retinopexy includes a treatment which is used for a simple detachment that’s caused by a tear to the top portion of the retina. This kind of the retinal detachment surgery is performed upon an outpatient basis; therefore, there is no hospital stay needed. Also, a pneumatic retinopexy doesn’t require an individual to be unconscious.
After offering a local anesthetic, the Retina Detachment Surgery in Monterey surgeon might have to extract a tiny quantity of fluid from your eye. A bubble of gas then is injected. As the bubble grows over a couple of days, it’ll push against the retinal tear. Slowly, the retinal tear is going to seal itself, and your retina is going to become reattached. After a couple of weeks, the bubble of gas is going to dissipate all on its own.
Scleral Buckling
Another retinal detachment surgery which often is used is referred to as scleral buckling. Depending upon the condition of the individual, the procedure might be done under local or general anesthesia. Also, it might be done on an outpatient basis.
Within a scleral buckling treatment, the surgeon will attach a piece of silicone sponge over the detachment area. All accumulated fluid underneath the detached retina also is drained. Depending upon the injury, the silicone ‘buckle’ might have to assist in holding the retina permanently in place. The buckle sometimes may be taken off after the retina heals.
A vitrectomy includes another kind of Retina Detachment Surgery in Monterey which might be used along with either a pneumatic retinopexy or scleral buckling procedure. Within this procedure, a surgeon extracts tiny parts of vitreous fluid, or the fluid inside the eye. It might be necessary if a bit of it has become cloudy, impeding a surgeon’s capability of accurately performing an additional retinal detachment surgery. All surgeries will carry risks.