Visit an Allergy Doctor in Louisville, KY, to Determine the Cause of Symptoms

by | Jun 20, 2016 | Health

Many people have had a strange skin rash or have become stuffy during spring weather, but not everyone considers that they might be having an allergic reaction. Most people accept that the stuffiness, sneezing, runny noses and sore throats that they might experience during times of high pollen is simply hay fever, but they may not know exactly what pollen they are allergic to. In addition, many adults and children experience allergic reactions to substances, but they may not have any idea what caused it. It is best to for these people to receive testing from an allergy doctor in Louisville KY, as proper medical treatment and guidance can help people avoid not only hay fever but potentially life-threatening allergic reactions, as well.

Allergic reactions can manifest themselves in a number of ways. Some reactions are very minimal and may not cause any discomfort to a person’s life, while others can affect people’s ability to breathe and can be fatal. Severe allergies that can cause breathing problems are usually related to food or insect stings, but they can also be tied to environmental hazards in some people. Skin problems are another common type of allergy, with people experiencing hives, rashes, welts, eczema, contact dermatitis and more.

Allergists have a range of tests available to help determine what allergens are affecting their patients. In some cases, finding out what a person is allergic to is a life-saving measure, but in many cases, it simply gives people a better quality of life. Using skin prick testing, patch testing, or other types of allergy tests, allergists are able to pinpoint just what is making a person sick so that it can be avoided in the future. In the cases of extreme allergies, epi-pens may be recommended for emergency situations. Get more information about allergy testing here.

Finding out what a person is allergic to can end up saving someone’s life. Those who are highly allergic to foods, insects or other items can have trouble breathing and experience low heart rates when exposed to their allergens. People who have trouble with persistent rashes or other allergy symptoms can also improve their health by visiting an allergy doctor in Louisville KY. By knowing exactly what to avoid, people can live healthier and safer lives.

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